Tour de Fat -Bikes in Fort Collins

How could I not know this? How did I miss it?

Fort Collins CO has an annual bicycle parade. And it’s a Big Deal. Everyone dresses in costume and probably decorate their bikes as well. Then they ride them in a parade through town. I’m told it’s great fun. There’s something called the Bike Pit ??? I dunno…..Lots of activities after the races. Games, fun, and time to party. Fort Collins is a huge bike-riding town, with an emphasis on riding around town and in the surrounding areas, including the Rocky Mountains. It’s residents claim that this town is the Bicycle Riding capital of America. I was there recently and since it was very cold in January, I only saw about 12 riders. But that’s a lot concerning the sub zero weather and snow. Tour de Fat sounds like a fun fun day. I’ve gotta do it and it’s on my calendar!!!

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